Thursday, November 7, 2013


Ever since i can remember, i've liked the numbers 3, 7 and 11. It wasn't that i disliked any of the others, or because i got lucky with something related to those three numbers; i'm still not sure as to why those three are more appealing to me than the others - maybe it's the same as being attracted to people, a cliché'd mystery of life.
Going along with liking them, i like doing things in those numbers - eating food, putting on chap-stick and setting the time, 3 minutes, 7 minutes, 11 minutes. It's kind of like a safety net i suppose, it's calming and i feel better doing things that way. In a way numbers are nothing, in another they are everything and that contradictory state of them is what gets me everytime when i think about them. If anyone out there has a good analysis of numbers and perhaps a good definition of them that is more than:

i would love to hear it. 

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