Monday, November 4, 2013

No.10...bare thoughts

Singing in the bath has always been one of my favorite pastimes; I can’t recall how many times my mother had scolded Karin and I, furiously reminding us that we didn’t live in a lodge on top of a hill, surrounded by a thick sound-proof forest. Yet, old habits die hard, and I still break into a tune from time to time while going through my daily ablutions. I remember practicing Kelly Clarkson’s ‘Since You’ve Been Gone’ until I was word perfect during my years in grade 6. I can’t say how embarrassed I was when my father said “Hey, that’s your shower song!” when we heard it on the radio months later.

The thing about singing in the shower is that I probably do it simply because I don’t like being trapped alone with my thoughts in my most vulnerable state. Serious thoughts become overwhelming when in the nude, for it’s just you and your thoughts, bare skin against bare thoughts. If my thoughts were people, I’d have to lock them up before taking baths.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny because I've noticed that I've been doing this lately, and have slowly started to opt for turning my speakers off for shower time, just to face my greatest fear: myself. So far, the conversations have been grim, but we've agreed to disagree, and let some things go.
