Wednesday, November 6, 2013

No.12...interesting thought on a bag

This morning i saw a man with a bag that said "Happiness is the only thing you can give without having" - which, naturally, made me think. Is happiness the only thing? What about love? What about care? Though i can assume that the creators of said bag probably meant this as a 'in contrast to all the materialistic gifts we give, happiness is free' kinda way, i thought if you read into the phrase, i would have to disagree with this man's bag. If you don't have happiness within you, how can you give it? I know i'm pushing too much into this but even if you translated this into another language, for example持っていなくてもあげれるものは幸せしかない or La felicidad es el único que puede dar sin tener (i'm dubious as to whether that's in correct Spanish grammar), on the surface level (or shall we say semantic level to make this spiffy) it makes sense, but on a deeper one, i think you find happiness in yourself first, perhaps even in the act itself, to give that to someone. I just wanted to mention here that, imagine if we all listened to Trevor McKinney and decided to 'pay it forward' - well that would make the world pretty darn nice even if it's a small temporary moment in its vast history.

1 comment:

  1. I've also gone round and round on a similar thought train. You must find love in yourself before you can share it with anyone else...but how do we find love without someone first showing us how? Where do we look? What tools do we use, and how? What do we do when our parents and peers Don't know either?
    I was lucky to have you run across my path to the bathroom, wearing a Noodle tshirt, and eventually teaching me kindness, compassion, love, and friendship. But did you already have all of that then? I thought you pulled me by the hand into a world of warmth, but did we build it together, like a castle of sand? Did we slowly find the mister and shovels and brushes together?
    Just some thoughts inspired by thoughts.
