Wednesday, December 11, 2013

29...baam let it out

i have recently discovered a new favourite pasttime - which is similar to my other favourite pasttimes since they only require me to sit in front of my computer and watch my screen. It's Poetry slam. I recently came across a video of a girl reciting a poem which led to others (since i'm one of those people who like to oogle the links on the side on youtube) and one of them turned out to be this one:
and then this one:
to this:
And i was blown away by the intensity, the honesty and the charisma that they were emitting - i love people like this, doing things like this, expressing their feelings openly and unashamedly since, what should they be ashamed of in the first place. These are all from Button Poetry and i'm sure that there are more brilliant poetry slam videos out there but this was an awesome place to start; i went from video to video to video (as you can see). 
Not only through poetry slams or even poetry itself, i think it's wonderful to have an output to your emotions or ideas or well anything. As i mentioned before on this blog, sometimes it's difficult for me to word things verbally and much easier writing them, but i think i'd like to give this a try someday; yell my feelings through a mic? very cool.

1 comment:

  1. Was it yoĆ¼ who showed me Button Poetry so long ago? I can't remember, but Pages Matom's poem inspired me to write my own. What started out as my own private projects became tangible in the world last semester, when I recited one to my class. I was nervous and shy about the "poor" quality of my work, but the hugs and smiles after I was finished made me cry tears of joy. I think we should do our own "radio show" of slam poetry we come up with, on that drive to Yellowknife.
