Thursday, October 24, 2013

No.1...what i'm feeling now

Watching this video that my dear friend sent me, i realise that i am one of those people who sit around doing nothing, waiting to be inspired, and though i don't think there's anything wrong with that, i also do see how the little things we do everyday can become a mountain over time (as cliche as it sounds, 塵も積もれば山となる). So i'll write.
It's interesting that i'm doing this today, since it just so happens that i started re-reading 'Norwegian Wood' on the train today, and i stumbled upon his words "Which is why i am writing this book. To think. To understand. It just happens to be the way i'm made. I have to write things down to feel i fully comprehend them." - as much as i actually dislike his works, i've always agreed with these lines, because they convey (in quite a beautiful manner) exactly how i feel about writing in general. You can take time when you write, refine it, destroy it, blurt out everything without imposing on anything, create and discover places within yourself that you never knew existed, and overall eventually find the words that you've desperately wanted to say all along. 
And here are mine that turned out to be so simple but hard to say and truly mean: I want to write.



  1. Hello Maria! Thanks for finding my blog. I'm glad you did, as it led me to yours.

    "You can take time when you write, refine it, destroy it, blurt out everything without imposing on anything, create and discover places within yourself that you never knew existed, and overall eventually find the words that you've desperately wanted to say all along."

    Yes, yes, and yes. I know what you mean. That's one of the reasons why I love writing and why I started blogging as well. I've never been good at expressing my feelings verbally, (and not that I'm so good at doing it in writing either) but writing definitely helps sort out my thoughts and calm my mind.

    1. Dear Miwa,
      Thank you so much for your comment and for your other comments too, they made my day! i'm really happy i came across your blog since it's been hard to find English bloggers who live in Japan, and i was so inspired by the "Words for thought" posts as well as your other posts which i could relate to, like your post on identity. i think those kind of topics are the ones which are definitely the most difficult to voice, but also need to be put out there, so i am looking forward to reading more from your blog.
      Once again, thank you so much for commenting and hope you have a lovely Sunday!
